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Freelance Digital Marketer

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Hi, I’m Lisa. I am a 63 year young retiree living in Kentucky. After working in various jobs throughout my career, I was finally able to retire to enjoy my golden years. I have always wanted to travel and try new things, but unfortunately, my retirement savings weren't enough to cover all my expenses. And we all know that Social Security does not pay well after 46 years of continuous employment. That's when I discovered the world of affiliate marketing.

I have to admit I was a bit intimidated at first by the idea of affiliate marketing. I have never been very tech-savvy, but i decided to give it a try. I signed up for a 7 dollar course to learn all I could to start promoting products on social media. At first I wasn't expecting much, being completely as skeptical as I am, but to my surprise, I started gaining momentum with my self confidence, something I have lacked most of my life.

It wasn't all smooth sailing for me, though. There were days when I felt like giving up. I struggled to understand some of the more technical aspects of affiliate marketing and sometimes felt like I was in over my head. But I didn't let those moments get me down for long. I simply stepped away for a bit and came back to it. I was determined to make this work.

After a few weeks of hard work, my efforts started to pay off. I was able to make that trip back home to Nebraska to visit my daughter and the rest of my family for a couple weeks and I even had plenty of extra spending money to enjoy while I was there. I can't believe how much my life has changed since I started this journey. I have a new sense of purpose and am excited to see where my new venture will take me and my hubby.

My business continues to grow, and I started branching out into other areas. I am starting to create my own products and even writing how-to books on several subjects. I’ve become well known on some social media platforms and people will often message me to ask me about my affiliate marketing business.

My retirement has turned out to be much more exciting than I ever imagined. I am able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, earn extra money, and even become a successful entrepreneur. I have reimagined what retirement can be, and I am grateful for the opportunity to explore new possibilities. I know that there are still many adventures waiting for us, and I am excited to see where life will take us next.

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